Der 'It's my Gingerbread!' Dragon von Steve Bostick

Der ‚It’s my Gingerbread!‘ Dragon von Steve Bostick

Eine äußerst beeindruckende Drachenstatue aus Lebkuchen. Ich kenne da jemanden dem ich für die nächste Weihnachtssaison einen Auftrag erteilen sollte 🙂

Thought it would be fun to do something really unusual. My sister saw a dragon statue & was inspired to make this creation. We worked on it together with her boyfriend, building the inner structure with PVC, window screen, aluminum foil, & patience. The exterior is all gingerbread decorated with cut jelly beans (1500 of them!); gummy snakes for his tail; gummy centipedes on belly scales; red licorice for ‚fire;‘ pulled sugar for teeth, claws, & horns; modeling chocolate & fondant for face covering & inside mouth; decorated gingerbread cookies & various candies for treasure trove. – Ultimate Gingerbread Contest

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