The dragon of quelm
The Dragons of Quelm
Ancient dragons from a land far away,
a place where the power of magic held sway.
These great docile giants without a care in the world,
had not an inkling their lives soon would unfurl.
Mystical cities of beauty they built,
had they but known their joys would soon wilt.
They enjoyed their last days in truth without knowing,
that ever closer to their doom they were flowing.
The moment had arrived their doom was at hand,
and all their power and might did disband.
Nothing was left of the dragons of quelm,
save the lone traveler psyra on a ship without helm.
Cast out into the bleakness across time and space,
lost in a sea of stars the last of his race.
Until at last a beacon of hope he did spy,
and toward this pale blue dot with great speed did he fly.
A land he did find of richness and beauty,
and of memories of his homeworld it reminded him truly.
Yet a link to this world he had to find,
through dreams he found it in human mind.
To the human he came without worry or shame,
to ask for his aid and the power of quelm reclaim.
So together they would stay and cause past tragedies to be undone,
for with psyra of quelm would the human become one.