Keith Parkinson ist von uns gegangen
Keith Parkinson ist von uns gegangen. Am Abend des 26.Oktober
2005 erlag der berühmte fantasy Künstler seiner schweren Krankheit.
OKT. 22 1958 – OKT 26 2005
Obwohl wir uns nie persönlich kennenlernen konnten, mochte ich Deine
offene freundliche Art und Deine wundervolle Kunst, die uns über 20
Jahre lang deine Sichtweise der "Fantasy" näher gebracht hat! Ich hoffe
Du hast Deine Ruhe und Deinen Frieden gefunden.
Weiterführende Links:
Das Messageboard von Keith Parkinson
Die fantastischen Bilder von Keith Parkinson Nachruf
Larry Elmore schrieb auf seiner Seite :
had been battling Leukemia for the past 16 months. Because he had such
a spirit for life, and love of his family, he fought it every step of
the way. He never gave up, his will to live and fight was so strong
that I really believed he would win the battle, and at times it look
liked he had. His lovely wife Donna kept his friends and fellow artists
aware of his ups and downs with a constant flow of emails. She is a
wonderful lady. I knew Keith for over twenty years. I met him when he
was only 22 years old. Eventually I became to feel as if he was my
younger brother. We were brothers at heart. We worked together at TSR
and later shared a studio as freelance illustrators. As we persued our
careers, we moved to separate parts of the country but, through the
years, we kept in touch and would see each other several times each
year at conventions. We would have dinner and talk for hours, we grew
even closer as we got older. I always looked forward to our dinners,
and conversation. I watched his two sons grow into fine young men. He
was a good, honest, man and a great artist. All my memories of Keith
are good. His death will be a great loss to all his family, friends,
and the art world. He leaves a void in our lives and in the world.
Larry Elmore"

I first met Keith back in the old days at TSR. We were both a lot younger back then and our creative future still before us.
I remember him as a man with a warm, enthusiastic laugh, intense about
his passions and full of life. I remember his art as always powerful
and growing — and I remember him as a good friend.
Gods speed, Keith. See you on the other side.
Tracy Hickman"
Nachruf von dem letzten Projekt von Keith Parkinson:
27th, 2005 Update: The fantasy art world, family and friends have lost
one of the all time greats – Mr. Keith Arlin Parkinson. Keith’s wife
Donna has informed us that shortly after 4:00pm PST on Wednesday
October 26th Keith peacefully passed away, surrounded by his loving
family. Keith had been battling Leukemia for the past 16 months. Keith
fought the good fight every step of the way and at one point he had it
beat. At that point, we all thought he was in the clear and we were
even talking about him attending Gen Con Indy 2006 to build up his
immune system with all the lovely sights and smells that tend to rear
up at Gen Con. But it came back hard and in the end it was more than
his body could handle.
I have just gotten off the phone with
Larry Elmore and we are both simply at a loss. We had both been in
touch with Keith throughout the entire process and the many ups and
downs that the past 16 months have thrown his way. Keith was the
youngest member of the "Fab Four" from the TSR Glory Years and was
perhaps the most diverse with his many book covers and video game
covers (Everquest was built around his artwork/vision). Keith was one
sharp cat and simply just plain cool to talk with for hours with about
a wide range of topics. Keith was such a trooper, he insisted on
signing the Limited Edition Parkinson Masterworks Set # 2 boxes while
in the hospital. There was a top secret piece we were working on that
Keith really wanted to see produced in 2006 as a personal favor. We
jumped on it early to lift his spirits (unknown to Keith) , but as fate
would have it, Keith never did get to see Mr. Gringe Commander in its
"fully sculpted Tom Meier glory" or the new Northwatch piece from Dave
Summers…Until Wed October 26th sometime after 4:00 pm PST that
is….So the next time it is appropriate, please lift your glasses and
toast one of the all time greats and his most excellent family… "