John Howes Drachenreiseführer*g*
Der aktuelle John Howe Newsletter enthält eine sehr nette Idee des Weltenbummlers. Aber lest selbst:
Or How Do You Say "Dragon" in Danish?
Afternoon off from film editing in the Danish capital (which incidentally was quite a pleasant surprise, I thought I had been booked on a flight to Stockholm until the lady at check-in said "Straight through to Copenhagen, sir?", which shows how well I pay attention to things in general). Thus, armed with borrowed camera and a very vague mental map of the city, one can wander quite a distance in search of serendipity.
It turns out that Danish architects and sculptors seem to have a centuries-old love affair with the genus draconis – they are everywhere – on drainpipes, fountains, facades and especially on the wondrous spire on the old stock exchange, which you wouldn’t even dare to try to invent, it is so purely fantastical.
Wouldn’t it be wondrous indeed, thought I, if someone published a guide book of dragons. No, hold on, cancel that notion; what generous and magnanimous editor wants to finance a luxury tour of Europe for me to do it? A Dragon-Lover’s Guide to Europe. I would happily track down dragons from Palermo to Gotteborg and all points east, west and between. A modern-day Saint George armed not with lance and shining shield, but a knapsack of history books and a telephoto lens, intent not on skewering the unfortunate reptiles, but on snapping their portraits. Dragons majestic and miniscule, mineral and metal. Dragons in low relief and full round, heraldic and humble, sacred and profane… not only a guide to take your steps there, but a stroll through the history that shaped them.
We’d sell millions of copies (and I’d have a fabulous time to boot).
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