Descent – Journeys into the Darkness

Das neue Spiel "Descent – Journeys into the darkness" von Fantasy Flight Games wartet mit einem wunderschönen Cover von Todd Lockwodd auf. Wenn man jedoch ein wenig genauer hinsieht, dann bemerkt man die eine oder andere lustige Ungereimtheit, auf die mich Doc aufmerksam gemacht hat.

"While the illustration here is well done the story it tells is pretty tragic/funny.

Although the elf scout appears to be the most cautious in this very dangerous cavern, he seems to have missed the huge undead dragon, the skull at his feet, and the dragon handlers by both sight and smell. Imagine armadillo roadkill smell times 1000. Meanwhile the doddering old man straggling in the rear, spoiling everyone’s night vision with his staff on full blast, desparately gestures at their pending doom, succeeding in only annoying the hulking warrior whose attention was focused solely on whether the elf actually can put an arrow through the the game distributor’s logo at point blank range."(BGG Thread)

Weiterführende Links:

Todd Lockwood Homepage

Fantasy Flight Games Homepage

Descent – Journeys into the darkness Homepage

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