Bob Eggleton updated seine Homepage?

Bob Eggletons Homepage gehört zu einer der Seiten, die so gut wie nie geupdated werden. Umso mehr freute ich mich folgendes Statement zu lesen


*It’s been a long long time!

The site will be extremely re-designed and updated soon. A whole bunch of problems had prevented this(such as owning my own domain name!) and just a lack of time between travelling. There will also be alot less images on the site. People overloading the bandwidth, thanks to illegal "tagging and tubing" and a few other problems had created too many "hot links" and the site would just go offline.

*Finished up 7 color pieces, and 11 black and whites for THE ILLUSTRATED NECROSCOPE by Brian Lumley for Subterranean Press. That’s due out late summer or Fall.[…]
*THE STARDRAGONS is out!!!! It’s available now via or

Nun ja, schaun wir mal, ich freu mich! 

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